Thiago Robert C. Santos

342 Point Lobos Ave.
   San Francisco, CA 94121 +1 415-744-4092


Google Cloud Platform

Sep 2017 - present San Francisco, CA
Usability and reliability are key differentiators in the fierce competition between Cloud Services Providers. As a Tech Lead in the area, I contributed to the launch of Cloud Run, Cloud Functions and Docker-based runtimes for AppEngine, products that ease the barrier of entry for potential customers. In the reliability space, I led technical efforts aiming at improving sovereignty, isolation, and at better informing existing and prospective customers about GCP reliability guarantees.

Twitter Periscope (0 → 1)

Jul 2015 - Sep 2017 San Francisco, CA
Periscope's launch in early 2015 brought live streaming into the Zeitgeist, allowing non-technical users to record and share live video with the touch of a button. As a software engineer on the project, I worked on several aspects of Periscope's operations and created internal tools for Support, Safety, and Usage Metrics, in addition to contributing to the extension of the service's Platform and API.

YouTube Creator Commerce

Jan 2014 - Jun 2015 San Bruno, CA
YouTube users can be divided into two groups: Content Creators and Viewers. The goal of the Creator Commerce team is to enable creators to monetize their content in innovative ways. While working on that group I was involved in several content monetization initiatives, including the implementation of Channels and channel subscriptions, purchase/rental of Movies and Shows, and the launch of YouTube Premium.

GoogleX Project Glass (0 → 1)

Jan 2012 - Dec 2013 Mountain View, CA
Project Glass was born out of a research project in Google X. Over the course of roughly 3 years, software, hardware, reliability, and manufacturing teams were assembled to breathe life into a new class of consumer electronics (CE) device. I joined the effort as the 8th member of the software team, which had grown to 75 engineers by the time I transitioned out of the project after the launch of Glass V1. During that time I had the chance to contribute to the best live demo of all times 🔗, the launch of a developer API and SDK, and building an epic marketing campaign for the product. I also had the chance to learn valuable insights on CE manufacturing, marketing, and probably more than I wished to know about CE batteries.

Google Web Search

Jan 2008 - Dec 2011 Mountain View, CA
Web search at Google is divided into two sub teams: Quality and Infrastructure. As part of the Infrastructure team, I contributed to the development of systems that are constantly monitoring the Web for changes, making copies of new content as changes are detected, extracting signals from that content in order to rank it, and making that data available to users via an always on, industry leader Websearch service.

Google Mobile

Sep 2005 - Dec 2007 Mountain View, CA
Responsible for definition of a vision for automation projects, in addition to design and implementation of a solution for testing Google applications targeted at the mobile market. These range from mobile apps developed in-house to Search and Ads Syndication APIs provided to partners. While working on the project I helped the team grow from a total of 2 full-time engineers to approximately 20 engineers spread across 6 different countries.

Motorola BDC

Apr 2001 - Mar 2005 Brazil
As the head software engineer and project manager in one of the software projects sponsored by Motorola Brazil Design Center (BDC) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), I coordinated a team of 15 developers in the creation and extension of a white-box Java framework that automates testing of cell phone application software.


Mobile Development Workshop

May 2013 Zanzibar, Tanzania
Working through Nayah Solution 🔗, I organized an Android development workshop 🔗 for faculty and university students at the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA).

Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP)

September 2010 Bishop Elementary School, CA
I worked with 4th graders teaching engineering principles and skills using Lego Mindstorms.


M.Sc. in Computer Science

1998 - 2005 UFSC - Brazil
    Thesis: A Configurable and Extensible Communication System Based on Static Metaprogramming 🔗
    • An Application-Oriented Communication System for Clusters of Workstations 🔗, Saint-Malo, France, June 2004
    • A Customizable Component for Low-Level Communication Software 🔗, Guelph, Canada, May 2005
    • Um Framework Meta-Programado Para a Implementação de Protocolos Leves de Comunicação 🔗, Santiago, Chile, August 2006